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Hochschulen in Russland und der Ukraine

Category: News (Page 4 of 14)

Ukraine to Modernize Higher Education System with World Bank Support

The World Bank approved a $200 million project to support the Government of Ukraine’s efforts to strengthen efficiency, quality, and transparency of the country’s higher education system.

The project – Ukraine Improving Higher Education for Results – will finance investments in the modernization of teaching and research facilities and digital learning infrastructure of higher education institutions (HEIs) to ensure learning continuity through remote learning modalities and to support resilience and change management over the longer term. It will also support the development of modern digital infrastructure for distance learning and creation of advanced teaching and research laboratories and learning support facilities. Another objective is to improve transparency of Ukraine’s education sector through modernization of the HE Management Information System and establishment of a National Student Survey and unified information system on competitive research funding of HEIs.
The Project will be implemented over a 5 years by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

International Student Conference „Science and Progress 2021“ at St. Petersburg State University – Hybrid Meeting

Save the date: November 09-11, 2021

Registration is open

Deadline for registration: October 01, 2021

Further details: see this Link


The All-Ukrainian Forum „Ukraine 30. Education and Science“. Prime Minister: Dual education is a formula of success for students, for vocational development, for the country’s economy

The All-Ukrainian Forum „Ukraine 30. Education and Science“ with the participation of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy opened on May 31.

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Deutsch-russische Wissenschaftsbeziehungen: Erfolg des langen Atems

Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) hat Empfehlungen zum wissenschaftlichen Austausch mit der Russischen Föderation veröffentlicht. Die Chancen, die sich im letzten Jahrzehnt durch die Modernisierung des russischen Wissenschaftssystems ergeben haben, gilt es aus DAAD-Sicht konsequent zu nutzen.

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G-RISC encourages and promotes research visits of Germans to Russia

G-RISC encourages and promotes research visits of Germans to Russia. Specific offers are constantly updated. Further question should be addressed to the G-RISC Office (

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German-Russian Interdisciplinary Science Center plans Virtual Seminar Series

G-RISC plans to continue the Virtual Seminar Series that has been successfully launched in October 2020. This seminar brings the Russian and German Community together for enhancing the interdisciplinary discussions in natural sciences. It is planned to resume this seminar series in Spring 2021.

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The 10th German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher: Collaborating across borders during the pandemic

Unter der Schirmherrschaft des Deutschen Wissenschafts- und Innovationshauses Moskau (DWIH), des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) und der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) wurde das zehnte Jubiläum der „German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher“ gefeiert.

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International Center for „Innovative Technologies“ opened at Kyiv University of Culture

The event took place at the Department of Distance Learning of the Kyiv University of Culture – the opening of the „International Center for Innovative Technologies“.

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The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine harmonizes the fields of knowledge with the international classifier

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has developed a draft resolution proposing to harmonize the list of fields of knowledge and specialties. According to it, higher and professional higher education in Ukraine is going to be adapted to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-F 2013). The relevant draft document has been submitted for public discussion.

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Project 5-100 universities are developing artificial intelligence

As Vice-Rector for Informatization of SUSU, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Leonid Sokolinsky notes, the neural network works like a human brain. Like our brains, the computer mind is capable of solving complex problems. But this happens only under proper training conditions: if the neural network is not trained, then, according to Professor Sokolinsky, its functionality will be zero.

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