Save the date: November 09-11, 2021
Deadline for registration: October 01, 2021
Further details: see this Link
Save the date: November 09-11, 2021
Deadline for registration: October 01, 2021
Further details: see this Link
The All-Ukrainian Forum „Ukraine 30. Education and Science“ with the participation of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy opened on May 31.
Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) hat Empfehlungen zum wissenschaftlichen Austausch mit der Russischen Föderation veröffentlicht. Die Chancen, die sich im letzten Jahrzehnt durch die Modernisierung des russischen Wissenschaftssystems ergeben haben, gilt es aus DAAD-Sicht konsequent zu nutzen.
G-RISC encourages and promotes research visits of Germans to Russia. Specific offers are constantly updated. Further question should be addressed to the G-RISC Office (
G-RISC plans to continue the Virtual Seminar Series that has been successfully launched in October 2020. This seminar brings the Russian and German Community together for enhancing the interdisciplinary discussions in natural sciences. It is planned to resume this seminar series in Spring 2021.
Unter der Schirmherrschaft des Deutschen Wissenschafts- und Innovationshauses Moskau (DWIH), des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) und der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) wurde das zehnte Jubiläum der „German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher“ gefeiert.
The event took place at the Department of Distance Learning of the Kyiv University of Culture – the opening of the „International Center for Innovative Technologies“.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has developed a draft resolution proposing to harmonize the list of fields of knowledge and specialties. According to it, higher and professional higher education in Ukraine is going to be adapted to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-F 2013). The relevant draft document has been submitted for public discussion.
As Vice-Rector for Informatization of SUSU, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Leonid Sokolinsky notes, the neural network works like a human brain. Like our brains, the computer mind is capable of solving complex problems. But this happens only under proper training conditions: if the neural network is not trained, then, according to Professor Sokolinsky, its functionality will be zero.
Russia actively participates in international mega-science projects in different countries. Russian scientists and equipment can be found in many largest scientific projects in the world, such as CERN located in Switzerland or Italy’s Borexino. Today Russia is aimed to development its own top-class research facilities: 625 million rubles will be allocated on the national project „Science“. For instance the funding will be submitted to the Pacific Quantum Center, which is to be created on the basis of the Far Eastern Federal University. FEFU will receive money for the creation of a physics center as a grant, which they won in scientific activity of the Ministry of Education and Science. Funding of 36 million rubles per year is to be provided until 2023. In addition to specialists from Vladivostok, scientists from Russia, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region will be invited to cooperate. Center staff will be able to use unique equipment and for research using high-performance computing, machine learning, and digital twins. They will be able to use the FEFU supercomputer. For this, the power of its calculations – 26 teraflops (One teraflop – a trillion operations per second) – will be tripled.
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