In an effort to become more competitive globally, Russian universities are attempting to reinvent themselves as new hubs of innovation and entrepreneurship. In this report, we take a closer look at what needs to be done to complete the transformation of the Russian university system.

The report examines the role of the modern university using the framework of University 3.0, a paradigm for innovation and entrepreneurship developed by Russia’s National Technology Initiative (NTI). First and foremost, Russian universities need to re-think the link between teaching and research. For too long, these functions have been separated, and that’s led to an inability to commercialize new academic innovations, or to inspire students to launch new startups.

Based on the real-world experience of Russian educational institutions that are at the forefront of the University 3.0 trend, the report analyzes some of the specific changes that need to be made – such as the introduction of a formal technology transfer office within each university –  to encourage more partnerships between business and academia.

The authors of the report are Deputy Director of the Russian Venture Company Evgeny Kuznetsov, U.S. entrepreneur and Advisor to the rector of the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod Kendrick White, and Lomonosov Moscow State University’s associate professors – Alexandra Engovatova and Georgy Laptev.

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