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Hochschulen in Russland und der Ukraine

Tag: Research

EU tears up research grant agreements with Russian bodies

The European Union has announced tougher action on halting science cooperation with Russia, moving from suspending ties and payments to terminating grant agreements and subsequent payments to Russian bodies or related organisations.

No new contracts or agreements with Russian public bodies or related entities will be concluded under these programmes.

This will mean termination of participation of Russian bodies in the EU’s flagship €95.5 billon (US$104 billion) research and innovation funding programme Horizon Europe, its predecessor Horizon 2020, and Euratom, as well as Erasmus+, the student and staff study and exchange programme.

The measures are a step up from suspending payments, which was announced on 4 March.

The new announcement was made on the day that Russian forces were accused of mounting an air strike on a train station in the eastern city of Kramatorsk, where 4,000 civilians were gathered to evacuate by train, killing at least 50 people.

It also came on the day that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen arrived in Ukraine, visiting Bucha before meeting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv, and the research sanctions were part of a wide raft of other measures announced in the fifth package of sanctions against Russia and entities with ties to President Vladimir Putin’s government.

“Today’s agreement builds on the wide-ranging and unprecedented packages of measures the EU has been taking in response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine’s territorial integrity and mounting atrocities against Ukrainian civilians and cities,” the European Commission said in a statement.

“As guardian of the EU Treaties, the European Commission is in charge of monitoring the enforcement of EU sanctions across the Union. The EU stands united in its solidarity with Ukraine and will continue to support Ukraine and its people together with its international partners, including through additional political, financial and humanitarian support.”

The new restrictions on research cooperation, unveiled in a statement by Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for innovation, research, culture, education and youth, on Friday, include the termination of participation of Russian public entities or bodies in Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).

However, MSCA fellowships and European Research Council principal investigator grants to Russian individuals “will in principle remain possible, keeping a thorough screening against the EU sanctions list”.

Gabriel has also demanded termination of participation of Russian public entities or bodies in all ongoing and future Erasmus+ actions. This includes ending all payments to Russian public bodies or related organisations.

She said that Russian students, scholars and academic staff will remain eligible for short-term exchanges and Russian students and scholars will remain eligible for degree mobility.

“A thorough screening against the EU sanction list will be conducted. Student and staff exchanges towards Russia also remain eligible.”

Similarly, participation of Russian individuals, youth and civil society organisations in Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps youth actions remains, with a thorough screening to be conducted.

“The continued screening of individuals will ensure that no individual on the EU sanctions list is allowed to participate in an Erasmus+ or the European Solidarity Corps action.”

Source: University World News

Cooperation Highlight: DAAD-funded German-Ukrainian research and development project VRscan3D

The objective of this project (2019-2023) is to develop a software tool for creating simulated mass data of objects that are recorded by a terrestrial laser scanner. These instruments create 3D point clouds from different stations which further have to be registered (geo-referenced) and processed to higher level information such as 3D models, architectural drawings, orthophotos or maps. 

This project is led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Thomas Luhmann, member of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society.

Project is financed under DAAD program Support for the internationalisation of Ukrainian higher education institutions – shaping the digital future together. The project is funded with approx. EUR 100,000 per year. The project has recently been extended until 2023. Here you can also see other projects funded within this funding line by the DAAD.

Ukrainian universities teaching courses related to digitization in engineering practice (e.g. geoinformation sciences, cadastral mapping, geodesy) should educate their students according to modern needs and demands from the professional market. However, there is a lack of knowledge among many teachers, out of-date equipment (hardware and software), insufficient IT infrastructure and insufficient finances for necessary investments. University curricula in Ukraine need to be updated to accommodate these new technologies. For this purpose, appropriate tools and data have to be provided, otherwise neither teachers nor students have realistic chances to adapt to new methods in due time, and they will not be able to contribute to further developments by themselves. 

The main goals of this project is to cover engineering digitization by two major project parts:

  1. Development of a virtual environment for creation and processing of digital 3D scan data 
  2. Digital teaching and e-learning material with interactive tools and practical experiences

Digital teaching and e-learning material with interactive tools and practical experiences 

Project partners:

  • Jade University of Applied Sciences, The Institute for Applied Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics (IAPG), Oldenburg, Germany
  • Kyiv National University for Construction and Architecture (KNUCA), Faculty for Geodesy and Land Management, Ukraine 
  • Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine 
  • University of Bamberg, Institute of Archaeology, Heritage Sciences and Art History, Germany.

This collaborative project further advances the existing fruitful cooperation between the Jade University of Applied Sciences and the KNUCA. Since 2015 Jade University of Applied Sciences supports the annual student-exchange Oldenburg-Kyiv on topic “Photogrammetry and laser scanning for the acquisition and 3D modelling of complex objects”.

Source: The UKRAINE Network

Ukraine joins Horizon Europe and Euratom Research and Training Programme

At the EU-Ukraine Summit, the leaders of the European Union and its Member States, finalised the association of Ukraine to Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation programme (2021-2027), and the Euratom Research and Training Programme (2021-2025). Ukrainian researchers and innovators can participate under the same conditions as entities from EU Member States. This cooperation in science, research and innovation further strengthens the alliance between the EU and Ukraine to deliver on common priorities, such as the twin green and digital transition.

Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel said:

“I welcome Ukraine to Horizon Europe and Euratom. Openness and cooperation with the rest of the world are key in our strategy to create critical mass for research and innovation and to accelerate and find solutions to pressing global challenges. Under Horizon 2020, Ukrainian participants received more than €45 million in EU support and showed innovation leadership and excellence across fields such as researchers’ mobility, transport and energy. I am confident Ukraine will build on these past successes”.

Multiple success stories resulted from past cooperation, covering a variety of scientific areas such as:

  • DIABOLO, developing harmonised information for forest ecosystems management,
  • SENSKIN  offering new maintenance techniques in transport infrastructure,
  • RESPONSE to find eco-solutions to power the cities of the future,
  • EURAD, to handle radioactive waste management,
  • ALISE – focusing on the possibility of boosting the anticancer activity only in tumors,
  • SolarGaps – energy generating solar smart window blinds

Source: The UKRAINE Network

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