The event took place at the Department of Distance Learning of the Kyiv University of Culture – the opening of the „International Center for Innovative Technologies“.

The main goal of the center is to increase the quality and efficiency of the educational process by using modern technologies for distance and blended learning, development of an ecosystem to improve the digital competence of teachers and students. The center is equipped with new high-tech equipment of the world’s leading multimedia producers.

Present at the opening ceremony, representatives of the professorial and administrative staff of the university and online students cheered one another by praise from the presentation.

„Today is an epochal event for the Kyiv University of Culture. We are opening the „International Center for Innovative Technologies. This is another step towards creating a virtual university! We believe that the „International Center for Innovative Technologies“ will contribute to the accessibility and efficiency of education for young people, their readiness to use digital opportunities in life, improvement of the educational and educational process, further modernization, reform, transformation of the University of Culture and its entry into the international digital educational space“, – said Mikhail Poplavskyy.

It should be noted, that the Kiev University of Culture implements the project of the international program of the European European Union ERAZMUS + under the KA2 theme „Development of High Education Potential: A Framework of Digital Competencies for Ukrainian Teachers and other Citizens (dComFra)“. Participation in the project allows to improve the digital competencies of teachers and students of the university, contributes to the concept of development of digitalization of education through innovative initiatives that meet the requirements of the digital society and European standards.

Olena Chaikovska noted that the Department of Distance Learning provides the development of educational digital environment of the university through the use of information and communication technologies and digital tools for online learning. The opening of the „International Center for Innovation Technologies“ will contribute to quality changes in the paradigms of teaching, learning, scientific communication of the university in the domestic digital education space, as well as international. The aim is to support the development of a highly efficient digital education ecosystem that provides increased access to high-quality, accessible, inclusive digital education, taking into account the possibility of creating personal learning trajectory.

« International Center for Innovative Technologies“ of the Kyiv University of Culture is the creation of a virtual university of the future.

Source: Portal Вища Освiта